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A Look At Manufacturing Of PCB Boards

By Andrea Davidson

One thing that can certainly be said for living in modern times, is that technology seems to be ever present. While at the same time it is true to say that this self same technology has made modern living so much easier. Many individuals are happy to make use of this technology, yet only a few comprehend how it actually works. This is all thanks to electronics. These electronic components are essential in the manufacturing of PCB boards.

As previously mentioned electronics are often regarded as a complex subject. All too often people feel that they do not have to know the reasons why things work, but they just have to know how to get it to do what they want. Fortunately there are people who are aware how these things interact with each other.

Just a quick glance around you will give you an indication about how many items utilise these electronic items. They can not be used in a random manner, so they have to be fitted in a specific pattern to create the desired operation. If you take the back off of one such item you will see how this has been accomplished.

The electronic components are held on something known as a printed circuit board. This board will either be green or pale brown in colour. If you look closer you will see metal tracks on one side of the board. These tracks permit the electrical current to be delivered only to where it is allowed.

There are basically two types of Printed Circuit Board. Depending on the density of components and the tasks they are asked to perform will dictate which type will be used. These two types are known as surface mount or through board.

No matter which type of board it is, there are certain skills needed to create one. If you don't have a keen eye and a steady hand creating one of these circuit boards becomes very frustrating. People will still need to be made aware about which component is which, and how they need fitting.

The through board is the most common type of board that people will see. The bodies of the components are located on the other side to the track lines. The legs of the components get fed through the board, and are then soldered securely in position. This is where the name type is derived from. To prevent the legs creating a potential hazard they have to be cropped closely to the board. One benefit with this type of board is that the components are of a size that is easy to identify and handle.

The components on the other type of board are securely soldered to the tracks. In themselves the components are much smaller, and so need greater care when being handled. To assemble this type of board high magnification is required as well as good lighting. This will help to eliminate the possibility of badly soldered joints.

When either of these circuit boards have had all of the components securely fitted they are given a conformal coating. This helps to provide additional protection. This explanation will help the average person understand the processes used in the manufacturing of PCB boards.

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