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Electrical Infrared Inspection Is An Important Part Of Fire Prevention

By Corinne Daniel

Faulty electrical wiring is to blame for a large number of fires in both residential and commercial properties each year. Many of these tragedies can be prevented by a simple electrical infrared inspection which easily identifies the start of problems before they become dangerous. This procedure does not take long and can be very effective at protecting lives and properties.

Conducting an infrared inspection is the best way to detect areas of concern within an electrical system. Heat is produced by when wires become worn or damaged which the IR technology picks up, making it visible to the technician on the screen of the detection equipment. Pinpointing these problems makes repair simple, less expensive, and not as likely to damage surrounding components.

IR thermography is primarily used for the purpose of electrical inspections. Wires are subject to deterioration as soon as they are installed due to the continuous flow of energy they must conduct and this aging can eventually lead to widespread problems which jeopardize safety in the home or production in many industries. Regular check-ups of this sort will ensure the building is in good shape in terms of its electrical wiring.

One good thing about an IR scan is that it does not cause any disruption in service or require a shut-down to be performed, in fact it is best done while the system is operating with a full current load. Neither is is potentially dangerous for the technician, who need only operate the scanning cameras and does not make direct contact with any wiring. The most common types of faults found include excessive temperatures, incorrect voltage, corrosion, insulation damage, poorly ventilated equipment, loose connections, and poorly ventilated equipment. Prompt repair can correct these problems and ensure the integrity of the wiring.

A malfunctioning electrical component typically generates an abnormal amount of heat, which speeds up its eventual failure. This may be due to aging, oxidation, an improper installation, or poor connections. These trouble areas stand out from the rest and will be listed on the survey so the building owner knows what must be fixed.

Ideally the assessment will be executed with the system operating at its maximum current capacity so it will likely be generating its highest possible temperatures, as to provide the technician with an accurate picture of its condition. Based on these findings, the technician can then further evaluate the seriousness of any issues that may come up. Components being checked can include fuses, control panels, circuit breakers, distribution boards, and transformers as well as others.

There are many benefits of conducting these preventative checks every year. It will not only identify any damage or installation problems, but it also ensures that all components are functioning to their expected capacity. It can assure homeowners that their residences are safe and in the case of industry allow plans for production to move ahead without delays.

The money spent for this service is certainly a worthwhile investment as it can ultimately spare one's home or business from destruction. An electrical infrared inspection will help save the customer money by clearly simplifying any repairs that may arise while they are still in their early stages. Since wires are subject to eventual deterioration, and they carry current it is a vital safety requirement that they be routinely checked in this manner.

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